Theresa Wiles_312Theresa Wiles is a PSYCH-K® facilitator in Northern California. Her work involves helping patients to leverage their subconscious beliefs for positive outcomes. “Changing our thought patterns changes our ‘Field’ and we begin to create the reality we envision for ourselves. We start to act more intuitively, we experience more serendipity in our lives. The Universe and our subconscious mind starts assisting us in creating the life we envision for ourselves.”

Here, in this guest post, she shares a perspective about how these techniques might assist in the healing of long-term Lyme disease.

Recovering from Lyme: A New Perspective

 by Theresa Wiles

According to recent CDC statistics, there are more than 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease every year just in the United States. There is no accounting of the cases that are undiagnosed. Both diagnosed and undiagnosed cases can lead to complex and ongoing neurological, physical, and emotional problems. Many people who are diagnosed immediately can heal after a 6-week program of antibiotics, but there is a large percentage who do not. As many as 20%, an estimated 440,000 – 880,000 Americans, continue to experience symptoms even after treatment, a condition known as Post Treatment Lyme Disease (PTLD).  The current gold standard diagnostic testing for Lyme disease misses up to 60% of cases of early-stage Lyme. Most people never recall being bitten. Less than half ever show the telltale bullseye rash. There needs to be some better solutions.

A New Perspective…

psych-kLyme, or any other disease, has an emotional signature that can partially shut down your immune system response. I have found that the tools of PSYCH-K® and Body Code can be very effective in helping people navigate through the complex labyrinth of Lyme treatment and recovery. Addressing your subconscious beliefs regarding your ability to heal, and identifying and releasing trapped emotions centered around your experience of Lyme, can help to keep your immune system strong and your attitude positive.

The new perspective lies in identifying and releasing the trapped emotions and negative beliefs that a person collects, usually from accidents and through their early childhood and adolescence. These trapped emotions can have the effect of compromising your immune system. Ongoing focus on the immune system of the individual is a crucial element in addressing Lyme and in the treatment of the accompanying co-infections. The new approach releases trapped emotions and negative beliefs for a stronger immune system. And, a stronger immune system could protect you from asymptomatic Lyme or a Lyme co-infection) becoming symptomatic. Many of us harbor these co-infections and have no symptoms. However, if we experience a deeply disturbing emotional event, or an accident, our immune systems can be compromised, and we then may start displaying symptoms.

Releasing Emotions to Enable Healing

Using the Health Core Belief Balance in PSYCH-K® allows us to understand what are the subconscious beliefs regarding your ability to heal. The negative beliefs that you may be holding, and not consciously aware of, can be an unwelcome load to an already over-burdened immune system. With PSYCH-K®, we can often change your subconscious beliefs to positive and valuable core beliefs, allowing your immune system to function more fully.

body codeBody Code is another effective tool to address a chronic Lyme infection, and works hand-in-hand with PSYCH-K®. The Body Code can indicate how well your immune system is functioning, and what imbalances in your system we need to address in order to improve its functioning. The Body Code indicates to us what glands and organs are imbalanced and why they are functioning at less than optimal. The Body Code system often allows us to find the specific imbalances, many times emotional, that may be having a detrimental effect on a particular organ or gland. Releasing these indicated imbalances greatly improves the functioning of that organ or gland, and, hence, often boosts your body’s capacity to cope with the Lyme infection.

These trapped emotions can impact your general health and your ability to develop a strong immune system needed to fight this infection. Case studies documented on the Bay Area Lyme website show that long-term Lyme infections can be difficult to shift, but there are many stories of hope and inspiration and knowledge gained.

A compromised immune system may also require good diet choices that build healthy-gut bacteria. Eating the correct healing foods suited to your condition can mean that your emotional body is more tuned to wellness.

For more information

For more information about these approaches, visit my website ( You may also be interested in the following books: The Biology of Belief, by Dr. Bruce Lipton, Why Can’t I Get Better? by Dr. Richard Horowitz, or Healing Lyme Disease Co-infections by Stephen Harrod Buhner. And, here is a link to the Center for Cognitive Enhancement, founded by Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin, PhD, who validates and maps the changes that happen in the brain during a PSYCH-K® balance.

3 Comments on “Recovering From Lyme: A New Perspective

  1. Hi Theresa,
    Do you work with people over the telephone or Skype? I’m having some real emotional issues and have had a Lyme diagnosis. Thanks in advance for your response.

    1. Hello, Lynn,
      Yes, I work by phone or Skype or FaceTime. This work really helps you to navigate your emotions regarding a Lyme diagnosis. I work with several Lyme clients. This work also strengthens your immune system.

      Call me at 831-476-3050, or text me at 831-246-1046.

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