At Bay Area Lyme Foundation, we are excited about the potential for significant breakthroughs in medical research being led by the following scientists.

Andriy Batchinsky, MD
Dr. Batchinsky is a 2023 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner. He is working to develop an Extracorporeal blood disinfection treatment for Lyme. Dr. Batchinsky is a Senior Scientist at the Geneva Foundation.

John N. Aucott, MD
Dr. Aucott is a renowned expert in clinical research on the diagnosis and epidemiology of Lyme disease. He is the founder and president of Lyme Disease Research Foundation, a public nonprofit organization founded to promote research and education in Lyme disease.

Chase L. Beisel, PhD
Dr Chase Beisel was awarded the 2016 Emerging Leader Award to explore the potential ability of CRISPR-Cas genome targeting to kill the bacteria that causes Lyme.

Lisa K. Blum, PhD
Dr. Blum is a 2014 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner and fellow at Stanford University in the laboratory of Dr. William Robinson, where she is currently working on DNA sequencing of human antibody responses to Borrelia burgdorferi infection.

Jason Bobe, MSIS
Jason Bobe’s research is focused on the creation of collaborative and participatory models of biomedical research.

Jerome F. Bouquet, PhD
Dr. Bouquet is a 2014 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner and fellow at UCSF in the laboratory of Dr. Charles Chiu studying infectious disease, particularly Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses.

John Branda, MD
Dr. Branda's research focuses on improving patient care through the development of new diagnostic strategies and the optimization of laboratory tests and antimicrobial agents, including tick-borne illnesses such as Lyme borreliosis, anaplasmosis, and tularemia.

Ed Breitschwerdt, DVM, DACVIM, PhD
Professor, Internal Medicine North Carolina State University
Dr. Edward B. Breitschwerdt is a professor of medicine and infectious diseases at North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Charles Chiu, MD, PhD
Dr. Chiu is an expert in the development and implementation of advanced genomic technologies for pathogen discovery and clinical diagnostics including microarrays and next generation sequencing.

Kerry L Clark, Ph.D.
Dr. Clark is a Professor of Epidemiology & Environmental Health at University of North Florida.

James J. Collins, PhD
Dr. James Collins is a 2017 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner. He is recognized for his pioneering research in synthetic biology and systems biology.

Brian R. Crane, PhD
Dr. Crane is a Professor at Cornell University, where he is researching Lyme disease antimicrobials based on the inhibition of flagella hook cross-linking.

Matt Croughan, PhD
Dr. Croughan is an expert in process development and manufacturing for biopharmaceutical, cell therapy, and biofuels.

Monica E. Embers, PhD
Dr. Embers' work focuses on antibiotic efficacy against Lyme disease; and immunodiagnosis for the Lyme-causing B. burgdorferi infection.

Mark Eshoo, PhD
Dr. Eshoo serves as the Director of New Technology Development at Ibis Biosciences where he leads several projects relating to development and assessment of new diagnostic technologies.

Janet Foley, PhD
Janet Foley, PhD, is a vector-borne disease ecologist at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California

Flavio Frohlich, PhD
Flavio Frohlich, PhD is an Associate Professor at University of North Carolina’s School of Medicine.

Nichola C. Garbett, PhD
Dr. Garbett applies biophysical approaches to the study of biomolecules and their interactions, with particular emphasis on the development of new technologies for medical diagnostics and drug development.

Eva Garland, PhD
Dr. Garland has been leading the research efforts at Agile Sciences focused on a new treatment attacking the biofilms that surround the borrelia burgdorferi bacteria protecting it from human immunological response.

Andrea Granados, PhD
Dr. Granados is a 2019 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner. She is studying differential gene response in early Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections. Dr. Granados is Postdoctoral Fellow at UCSF School of Medicine.

Britton J. Grasperge, PhD
Dr. Britton Grasperge is a 2016 Emerging Leader Award recipient and a veterinary clinical pathologist with a research interest in tick-borne diseases.

Peter Gwynne, PhD
Dr. Gwynne is a 2022 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner. He is working to develop a diagnostic test for Lyme disease. He is a Post Doctoral Researcher at Tufts University.

Sarah A. Hamer, MS, PhD, DVM
Dr. Hamer is an Associate Professor at Texas A&M University, specializing in wildlife and zoonotic disease ecology and epidemiology.

Timothy Haystead, PhD
Dr. Haystead is a Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology at Duke University School of Medicine. His current research is focused on the use of chemical biology approaches to define novel drug targets.

Emir Hodzic, DVM, PhD
Dr. Emir Hodzic received Veterinary, Masters and Ph.D. degrees from University of Sarajevo, School of Veterinary Medicine, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He did postdoctoral training at the Section of Comparative Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine where he focused on animal models for Lyme disease and human granulocytic ehrlichiosis. Currently, Dr. Hodzic is a Director at the Real-Time PCR Research & Diagnostics Core Facility at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis where he is researching post-antibiotic persistence of Borrelia burgdorferi.

Lee Hood, MD, PhD
Dr. Hood's outstanding contributions have had a resounding effect on the advancement of science since the 1960s. He has made many seminal discoveries in the fields of immunology, neurobiology and biotechnology and, most recently, systems biology and its applications to cancer and neurodegenerative disease.

Liz Horn, PhD, MBI
Dr. Horn facilitates the development of biorepositories and other bio-based technologies for medical research and is the Principal Investigator for the Lyme Disease Biobank.

Richard Horowitz, MD
Dr. Richard Horowitz is a board certified internist in private practice in Hyde Park, N.Y. He is medical director of the Hudson Valley Healing Arts Center, an integrative medical center which combines both classical and complementary approaches in the treatment of Lyme Disease and other tick-borne disorders. He has been treating Lyme patients for the last 29 years, and he is now undertaking a data mining project with support of Bay Area Lyme Foundation.

Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA
Lorraine Johnson is the Chief Executive Officer of and the principal investigator of its patient registry and research platform, MyLymeData.

Brandon Jutras, PhD
Dr. Jutras is a 2021 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner. Dr. Jutras is an associate professor at Northwestern University.

Maureen Laroche, PhD
Dr. Maureen Laroche is a Bay Area Lyme Foundation grant recipient. She is a Medical Entomologist and Clinical Bacteriologist from Martinique. She is an Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology at The University of Texas Medical Branch.

Jacob Lemieux, MD, PhD
Jacob Lemieux, MD, D. Phil is the winner of the 2020 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award. He is developing a sensitive, direct detection diagnostic for early Lyme disease . He is a post-doctoral researcher at Harvard and an infectious disease fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Richard T Marconi, PhD
Dr. Marconi is a Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, where his research interests focus on Lyme disease vaccines and therapeutics.

Jennifer Miller, PhD
Dr. Miller has studied the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi for her entire 15-year career. Her work focuses on the pathogenesis of B. burgdorferi and its interactions with the host immune system. She is currently employed by Agile Sciences.

Yuko Nakajima, PHD
Dr. Nakajima is a 2017 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner and postdoctoral fellow at Brandeis University in the lab of James E. Haber, where she is studying gene conversion to block immune evasion by Borrelia burgdoferi and other pathogens.

Nate Nieto, PhD
Dr. Nieto's research focused on infectious diseases, vector biology, and the ecological evolution and transmission of disease from wildlife to humans and domestic animals.

Lise E. Nigrovic, MD, MPH
Dr. Lise E. Nigrovic is the Director of Education, Clinical Research Center and Senior Associate Physician in Medicine at Boston Children’s Hospital and an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Her current work is focused on a pediatric multi‐center Lyme disease research network with biosample collection.

Geetha Parthasarathy, PhD
Dr. Parthasarathy is a 2019 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner. She is studying pathogenesis behind glial and neuronal cell death as caused by B. burgdorferi. Dr. Parthasarathy is a Research Scientist at Tulane University.

Nichole Pedowitz, PhD
Dr. Pedowitz is a 2022 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner. She is working to develop a diagnostic test for Lyme disease. Dr. Pedowitz is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University.

Steven Phillips, MD
Dr. Phillips is a 2018 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner. He is a world-renowned physician, specializing in the treatment of Lyme disease, bartonellosis, babesiosis, and other vector-borne diseases.

Nira Pollock, MD, PhD
Dr. Pollock's research has a special interest on the development and evaluation of novel diagnostic tests for infectious diseases and related applications. Her Lyme-related work has included the discovery of novel biomarkers of early Lyme borreliosis.

Nathan Price, PhD
Dr. Price has won numerous awards including an American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellowship, a NIH Howard Temin Pathway to Independence Award, a NSF CAREER award, and a young investigator award from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust.

Jayakumar Rajadas, PhD
Dr. Rajadas is Director of the Biomaterials and Advanced Drug Delivery Lab (BioADD) and Assistant Director of Cardiovascular Pharmacology at Stanford School of Medicine. His recent research, funded by Bay Area Lyme Foundation, identified 20 FDA-approved compounds that were more effective in inhibiting persistent Lyme bacteria than standard antibiotic treatment.

Nitya Ramadoss, PhD
Dr. Ramadoss is a 2021 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner. Her research is focused on therapeutic antibody development for Lyme disease. Dr. Ramadoss is a Research Scientist at Stanford University.

Matthew Redinbo, PhD
Dr. Redinbo is a Professor of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Microbiology, Jointly appointed with the School of Medicine, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His current research is focused on drug discovery and the gut microbiome.

William Robinson, MD, PhD
Dr. Robinson works to develop novel therapies for practical patient care, including the application of antibody sequencing technologies for the treatment of Lyme and other autoimmune diseases.

Artem Rogovsky, DVM, PhD, DACVM
Dr. Rogovsky is a 2020 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner. He is working to develop a robust, rapid diagnostic test for Lyme disease. Dr. Rogovsky is an Associate Professor at Michigan State University.

Michael P. Rout, PhD
Dr. Rout is a 2021 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner. He is developing nanobodies to be used in sensitive Lyme Disease diagnostic tests. Dr. Rout is a Professor and Head of Laboratory, Laboratory of Cellular and Structural Biology, The Rockefeller University.

Pardis Sabeti, MD, DPhil
Dr. Pardis Sabeti is a Professor at the Center for Systems Biology and Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University and a Professor in the Department of Immunology and Infectious Disease at the Harvard School of Public Health. She is an Institute Member of the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT as well as a Howard Hughes Investigator. Dr. Sabeti is using gene sequencing techniques to study co-infections associated with Lyme disease.

Daniel Salkeld, PhD
Dr. Salkeld is a Research Scientist at Colorado State University and has worked extensively on California tick-borne diseases.

Eva Sapi, PhD
Dr. Eva Sapi is a Professor and Department Chair at University of New Haven and an internationally recognized expert in Lyme disease research.

Sunjya K. Schweig, MD
Dr. Sunjya K. Schweig is the founder and CEO of the California Center for Functional Medicine (CCFM).

Janakiram Seshu, PhD
Dr. Seshu is a Professor of Bacterial Pathogenesis in the Department of Biology at The University of Texas at San Antonio.

Trever Smith, PhD
Dr. Smith is a 2024 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner. He is researching combination treatments for Borrelia burgdorferi. Dr. Smith is a Research Assistant Professor at Tufts University.

Michael Snyder, PhD
Dr. Michael Snyder is the Chair of the Department of Genetics and the Director for the Center of Genomics and Personalized Medicine at Stanford.

Mark Soloski, PhD
Dr. Soloski is a co-Principal Investigator on the landmark SLICE clinical trial and specializes in the study of certain immune cells (T-cells) and their role in immune recognition, autoimmunity, and host response to infection in acute and chronic disease states.

Andrea Swei, PhD
Dr. Swei’s research seeks to better understand how different Borrelia burgdorferi genotypes are transmitted and maintained in natural tick populations. The ultimate goal of Dr. Swei’s research is to better understand the factors that lead to the distribution and risk of important tick-borne diseases to human populations.

Michal Caspi Tal, PhD
Dr. Tal is a 2018 Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Leader Award winner. She is studying immunomodulatory mechanisms by which the CD47-SIRPa axis impacts immune clearance of infectious disease. Dr. Tal is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Irving Weissman’s lab at Stanford.

Balyn Zaro, PhD
Balyn Zaro, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutical Chemistry at University of California San Francisco.

Ying Zhang, MD
Dr. Ying Zhang is a Professor at Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. His recent research efforts have included developing more effective treatments for persistent Lyme disease and associated conditions.

Yong Zhou, Ph.D.
Dr. Zhou is a Research Scientist at the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB), where he is working on a number of biomarker discovery projects.