Call Your Doctor If…
…You removed an engorged tick from your body and develop any symptoms of Lyme within 30 days
…You have any unusual rash or develop flu-like symptoms and you are quite certain you were recently in a tick-infested area, even if you do not recall being bitten
…A tick is attached to your body and you can’t remove it, or you have tried to remove it and parts of the tick’s mouth remain embedded in your skin
…You are pregnant or nursing and you think you may have been exposed to a tick bite from an infested area
…You have reason to think you may be suffering from late-stage Lyme (Refer to Lyme Disease Symptoms for more information about the stages of Lyme)
Prepare for Your Appointment
If you have been bitten by a tick or suspect Lyme disease, there are important steps to take to ensure you get the appropriate diagnosis and treatment. The following steps will help you prepare for your appointment with your doctor:
- Document where you found the tick and when you were bitten.
- Consider getting the tick tested. See Tick Testing for more information about how and where.
- Stay alert for and continue to document any symptoms so you don’t forget.
- Check if your doctor has experience with Lyme disease. Don’t be afraid to ask for a second opinion. You may want to consult a doctor familiar with Lyme disease.
- Be prepared with the facts. Offer statistics about Lyme in your area or where you think you were bitten. Anticipate that your doctor may or may not be familiar with Lyme and the scope of its reach. Also see Facts About Lyme or the CDC Lyme Map for more information.
- Consider taking a friend; your friend can write down your doctor’s answers so that you can concentrate on your symptoms and getting well.
Be Vigilant – Lyme is Complex
Lyme is a complicated disease. Be vigilant and do your homework if you suspect Lyme.